Website Designer

Your book is what?

Getting people talking about you and your book is probably just as difficult as writing it has been, but it is also just as important. Creating an online brand for yourself will not only bring more attention to your work, but will keep people interested in anything else you publish in the future. Keeping people engaged does take up some of your time, but it doesn't have to be all consuming and frustrating.

By taking an hour or less to plan what exactly it is that you want out of your web presence, you will be able to prioritize your needs, and save money and time by not creating too many online profiles that you probably don't need and don't have time to manage anyways.

My services include web design, online branding, social media marketing and maintenance. Every one of my web design and social media clients is encouraged to complete a questionnaire that helps them determine exactly what they are looking for out of their online presence, and ultimately what their online branding should include.

The price of services will vary greatly depending on what you need, but I do offer packages that are more cost effective if you require a more robust service bundle.

Online Branding:

It is important that your online presence be consistent. Your website, social media profiles, blog, and any other place you hang out should be similar in terms of look, feel and, to an extent, content. I can help you examine what you're currently doing to ensure it is consistent, or if you haven't created an online presence yet, I can help you formulate a plan to ensure people remember you and your book. I provide a free review of online branding, and a short synopsis of what I think you can do to improve it. If you need me to work with you to create your web presence from scratch it will include a 60 minute telephone/skype session and will cost $100. Those who decide to pursue all or a portion of the services with me will get a rebate of $50 when they are billed for their additional services.

Web Design:

$100: Website created using templates altered to fit your design preferences, includes 5 pages and social media links

$150: Website created using templates altered to fit your design preferences as well as a custom header, includes 5 pages and social media links

Social Media:

Profile creation runs from $30 for each basic profile creation using your own photos and information to $200 for a customized profile including extra facebook tabs and headers/covers. Most authors find that they need a package that is somewhere in the middle of these extremes.

Social Media add-ons start at $50 and include; custom facebook tabs, like-gating content, custom headers/covers/backgrounds, profile maintenance and contests.

You can have a look at some of my work at