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Thank you for considering Storm Goddess Book Reviews & More for a book review. We strive to provide honest, thoughtful, and well written reviews. Please keep in mind that reviews are merely one person's opinion. Books are so subjective, everyone likes different things, so please don't feel offended if your book is reviewed and it's less than stellar. I don't allow snark and sarcasm. If someone doesn't like a story, I just ask that they tell us why it didn't work for them.

We accept different varieties of reviews here. Everyone has genres they do and don't read, so I hope to add more reviewers that have a wide variety, so that I can accept all different types of stories.

Please note- A review request sent in doesn't mean that it will automatically be accepted. I want to try and help everyone, but sometimes things happen to where it isn't possible to accept a review. Reasons could be:

Too large of a backlog and not enough reviewers.

Type of book being submitted may not have a reviewer that reads the genre/style.

We ask that if you're submitting a review request, that it is for YOUR BOOK that you have written. Please don't submit another author’s work for consideration. If you think an author friend's book should be reviewed, please have them send the request themselves.

Please read over the questionaire carefully and answer accordingly.  Your book information will go into a database for the reviewers to choose. If your book is chosen, you will be contacted for the file. When the review is posted, you will get a link to it to share.

We do support Indie authors!  Self-published books are welcome! If it's a great book with a great story, it doesn't matter how it's published.

Follow the link above to get to the questionnaire on the SG website.


  1. I'm Interested in your ebook reviews.

    Ted Lazaris

  2. I am interested in an ebook review for my children’s book.

  3. Hi,

    I'm interested in getting my book reviewed. I can a copy to you.
    my email is or

    Thank you,

    Ted Lazaris

  4. Hello ,

    I would like my book Teapots and Attics to be reviewed ,

    Thank you

    Katie Louise Shattock

  5. Well add me to the list unless you want me to send you a copy, which I will do - or I can email you a PDF file... My website is and my book is A New Life: Life of Recover (and that's not what you think either) all information is on my site...


    Sam Jacobey
